3-part Webinar Series
We are proud to have partnered with the Ontario Brain Institute and Sokoloff Personal Injury Law to put on this amazing Webinar series that will talk about 3 distinct areas that affect people with concussions, brain injury and mental health related issues.
CAN TALK Webinar series
This webinar series shine a light on the various aspects of concussions, treatment, and the recovery process. The goal was to bring awareness to the different ways people can sustain a concussion, and how that can change the experience during recovery, how mental health can be impacted by a concussion, and the numerous multidisciplinary treatment options.
November 9th, 23rd and December 7th (2021)
Scroll down to watch the webinar recordings!
Watch the webinar series
Click the links below to be directed to the HeadsupCAN Youtube page where you will have full access to our webinar series. You can watch the series in a self directed manner and will be able to learn about 3 very important topics related to concussions.
Sustaining a concussion: understanding the many ways people receive a concussion or brain injury
Holistic treatment for concussions and tbi
Concussions and the impacts on Mental Health
Event Sponsors & Partners
Sokoloff Personal Injury Law
Our Platinum level sponsor is responsible for helping put this event on and allowing us the budget to create an amazing raffle giveaway!
Click the button below to learn more about the amazing work they do for people with TBI.
Ontario Brain Institute (OBI)
We received funding from OBI to create this webinar series. Without their support this event would not be possible!
Click the button below to learn more about the amazing work they do for people with TBI.
Webinar Series Raffle
A big thank you to our Raffle Sponsor Sokoloff Personal Injury Law for allowing us to provide amazing prize packs filled with all of our new merchandise!
Raffle Prize #1
All proceeds will go towards our mission to “Challenge the Stigma” surrounding Concussions and its impacts on Mental Health.
Raffle Prize #2
All proceeds will go towards our mission to “Challenge the Stigma” surrounding Concussions and its impacts on Mental Health.
Raffle Prize #3
All proceeds will go towards our mission to “Challenge the Stigma” surrounding Concussions and its impacts on Mental Health.
Learn about our podcasts
Sharing experiences with concussion/Tbi podcast - season 2
Click the link to learn more about his collaborative podcast series with the Ontario Brain Injury Association that focuses on facilitating conversations between industry experts, people with lived experience and other people who have been affected by the injury.
The Inherent risk podcast series
Host Joel Forman explores the topic of concussions in sports with the goal of creating awareness and education while challenging the stigma surrounding the injury. Each week features a new guest from within the sports community whose lives have been directly impacted by concussions and how they hope their experiences can help others who might be struggling.
The Concussion Experience Podcast
The Concussion Experience Podcast series is our newest part of the Advocate program. Our goal is to provide our Advocates a chance to share their story on a new medium (audio). This series will follow our powerful advocates through different podcast seasons that will explore new topics that attempt to encapsulate the holistic concussion experience. Not only is this podcast an excellent source of education and awareness but it also allows our advocates to feel heard, supported, and understood.